

Soft Powder Eyebrows $600

Nano-Stroke Eyebrows $800

3D Eyebrows $800

Dramatic Eyeliner $500

Natural Eyeliner $450

Lower Eyeliner $300

Natural Lips Shading $800

Lip Liner $400

***One free touch-up session is offered 30 to 90 days after the initial procedure. Charges will incur if touch-up is scheduled after 90 days.

Annual Touch-up Pricing:

Annual touch-ups are available only within two years of the initial procedure for eyebrows, and within three years for both eyeliner and lips; beyond these time-frames, a new set will be necessary.

Soft Powder Eyebrows $200

Nano-Stroke Eyebrows $300

3D Eyebrows $350

Dramatic Eyeliner 250

Natural Eyeliner $150

Lower Eyeliner $100

Natural Lips Shading $350

Lip Liner $150